Sample VisAds

<<Click on pictures for VisAd>>    
Customer Testimonials    
insight software    A video of a happy customer is worth much more that a written case study.
    Find out why Constellation Europe bought Insight Software to do their operational reporting. 
  Vanderlande Industries use Insight Software for integrated reporting over JD Edwards E1
  Animation can be used in a viral marketing campaign or on your web site to get your message across.
  Metapack used this video to get their message across in just 90 seconds.
  A brand new service from VisAds.

WebAvatars will certainly get your visitors attention when they click on your site. See for yourself and click on the picture on the left hand side for more information
    David wanted something a bit different to introduce his services on the home page.

I think this was achieved 
Web site design with VisAd    
andrew money-kyle   Dr. Andrew Money-Kyrle wanted a new web site and liked the idea of incorporating video.

This was shot in my Chromakey studio.
See below under user references for more information on my studio.
red     Findout how Red is protecting retailers from fraud. 
VisAds   Interview with Mick Spittel talks to VisAds about  how they are expanding into the commercial market. 
    Body builder and ex Mr Universe is interviewed for Everyone needs a mentor. 
bev    Bev James CEO of the coaching academy explains why you need a coach. 
    DWS wanted an email marketing campaign linked to Sugar CRM to notify JD Edwards customers that they would be at Collaborate 2010.
gavin blake   Gavin is a racehorse trainer that needed a way to explain to potential new owners that he trains horses in a different way. There are four videos on his web sites which explains in detail how he does it.

VisAd and Website:

Email Marketing integrated to Sugar CRM

visads    Hannah Stone wanted a new way to introduce Softcat to her prospects. This VisAd is linked up with Sugar CRM 
dws   I am helping DWS promote their dimension product which is the first automated upgrade system for JD Edwards E1.

This email campaign is linked to Sugar CRM so that we could monitor hits to this VisAd.
  Gaffin  Associates wanted to send out an email campaign with a video messages linked to
They also wanted a new web site with video presentations.


  Mike Lee wanted to send out a promotional mail shot video linked to We used Salesforce to send out the mass email and to monitor the number of times people open the email.


Company Pitch

BNI vale Aylesbury chapter   My BNI vale chapter wanted a promotional video to attract new members to our group.

in less than 2 minutes they can see what happens at a BNI meeting ,as well as hear testimonials from our members.
  FastReact wanted to have an online presentation so that people around the world could understand the benefits of their software for New Era.

  Our professional actor, Gerard Logan, explains why using recruitment software will speed up the process and provide a professional interface with candidates.

empathy Selling   I was so impressed with this book that I bought the UK rights to it. Also this web site uses speaking characters to get the message across as to why Empathy Selling will drive more business for your company.

Training Videos

  Richard Lee is a professional goal keeper for Watford FC.

Richard required us to build him a training DVD so that he could help budding young goal keepers get fit and stretch the right muscles.

We also built


The Rape of Lucrece   Gerald  Logan wanted a VisAd to promote his outstanding one man performance of William Shakespeare's "The Rape of Lucrece" 

User References

  The builders of my recording studio wanted a customer reference VisAd which I was very happy to do for them

Something a bit different    
VisAds   DWS is a technology company and wanted something a bit different to promote their Dimension product.

sir Alan Sugar   This was part of the BNI You Tweet challenge and is an example of viral marketing being used to get people to click on


Promotional Videos

Viezu   Viezu wanted to have a promotional video for  their stand at the show at the NEC.

They also have put the video on their web site

Jamie Stone   Jamie is launching a new company and we did a VisAd and a DVD for him.
Village Frabics   Village Fabrics wanted a short video to put on their home page of their web site.
  Tom George is an up and coming racehorse trainer and wanted a video to show how he trains racehorses.

VisAd and New entry page:
Charity Days    
  Pancake races held on behalf of